Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Implant dentistry is ideal for individuals who want to permanently restore missing teeth. Dental implants consist of tiny titanium screws that a dentist surgically implants beneath your gums. Dental implants fuse with existing healthy jawbone and even stimulate the growth of new bone tissue. After a brief healing time, dental implants are covered with dental crowns, bridges, or dentures. Read on to find out why you may be a good candidate for implant dentistry if you have sufficient healthy bone, are in good overall health, and are committed to maintaining your dental implants.

You Have Sufficient Healthy Jawbone

Implant Dentistry Hazlet

Implant dentistry requires patients to have sufficient healthy jawbone. In order for dental implants to fuse with your bone tissue, you must have a minimum amount. However, if your periodontist advises you that your jawbone has deteriorated due to your periodontal disease, you can consider bone grafting procedures. With bone grafting, a dentist transplants healthy bone tissue to stimulate growth and make room for dental implants .

You Are in Good Overall Health

If you engage in high risk activities that compromise your overall health, you are probably not a good candidate for dental implants. Even the best dentist cannot place dental implants if a patient smokes heavily. Heavy smoking hinders the healing process, which means your dental implants may not be successful.

You Are Committed to Maintaining Your Dental Implants

To be a good candidate for implant dentistry, you must be committed to maintaining your dental implants. That means you should be prepared to avoid chewing on hard foods and dedicated to practicing good oral hygiene at home. You should also eliminate habits that can cause gum disease, like drinking heavily or using drugs.

To find out more about implant dentistry in Hazlet and determine if you may be a good candidate for dental implants, contact Glenwood Premier Dental by calling us at (732) 264-4477. Our dentists are dedicated to helping you achieve a full and beautiful smile. Visit us online or call us to learn more about dental implants.