Here Are the Most Common Dental Emergencies

Most dental visits won’t be emergencies, but it’s helpful to understand when you should in fact see an emergency dentist. Chips and breaks in your teeth can be painful, and you may experience serious toothaches for other reasons as well. Lost teeth have both long and short term implications, so continue on for a look at the most common dental emergencies.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

Chipping and breaking of the teeth typically occur from physical trauma rather than from a lack of dental hygiene, and it can be difficult to go through. Do your best to find and hold on to the broken portion of your tooth so you can bring it back to your dentist and talk about your options.

Severe, Lasting Toothache

Chips and breaks in your teeth are not the only issues that can lead to toothaches. You might also notice pain in your teeth if you are suffering from an infection like an abscess, or if you get some sort of food debris stuck in between your pearly whites. If you experience a long-lasting toothache, especially one that comes with sensitivity to temperature, be sure to set up an appointment with your dentist.

Lost Teeth

Losing a baby tooth is probably not what you would call a dental emergency, but losing an adult tooth is a situation that you should fix as soon as you can. Having an adult tooth knocked out will probably be a painful experience, and if the pain is severe, you should waste no time in seeing your dentist. If you wait too long to meet with your dentist and address lost teeth, you can suffer from a loss of mass in your jawbone that can have a distinct impact on your appearance. People lose teeth for all kinds of reasons, so make sure you find a solution quickly.

Be sure to call the team of dentists serving Hazlet at Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477 as soon as you suspect you might be dealing with a dental emergency. Seeing your emergency dentist or orthodontist promptly can alleviate your symptoms and protect your oral health.