Getting Your Smile Ready for Back to School

As summer winds down and you start thinking about back to school season, you probably have a lot on your do-to list—registering your child for classes, shopping for school supplies and new clothes, and scheduling a tour of your child’s new school are just the tip of the iceberg. In all the hustle and bustle, don’t forget to make oral health a priority. Here’s how to get your kid’s smile ready for back to school.

Buy a New Toothbrush

If the bristles of your toothbrush are frayed, they can’t do their job properly. Make sure everyone in your family replaces their toothbrush every three months. If you notice the bristles fraying sooner than this, don’t hesitate to replace your toothbrush sooner.

When shopping for replacements, look for soft-bristled toothbrushes to prevent wearing down your tooth enamel or irritating your gums. If it’s in the budget, consider upgrading to an electric toothbrush for a deeper clean every time you brush.

Reassess Your Oral Care Routine

Are you taking the best possible care of your teeth? Good oral hygiene involves the following:

  • Brush for two minutes morning and night.
  • Reach all the surfaces of your teeth when you brush.
  • Floss gently between each tooth once a day to remove plaque from between your teeth and stimulate your gums.
  • Remember to floss behind your back molars, too.
  • Rinse with mouthwash or use a water flosser if desired.

To make oral care fun for kids, try playing music, using a sticker calendar, or buying a character toothbrush.

Plan Healthy Lunches and After-School Snacks

The food you eat has a significant impact on your oral health. Crunchy fruits, vegetables, and nuts are like natural toothbrushes, scrubbing away plaque as you chew. Then, low-fat cheese and milk contain calcium to promote strong teeth and neutralize the acids in your mouth. Finally, water rinses away food particles and discourages bad breath. These are far better options than starchy crackers and chips, chewy candy and granola bars, or sugary juices and sodas.

Wear a Mouthguard

If your child has signed up to play football, hockey, wrestling, or another contact sport, make sure to have him or her fitted with a protective mouthguard. This simple device can help prevent painful injuries such as chipped or cracked teeth, knocked-out teeth, and bit lips.

Schedule a Dentist Appointment

Start the school year right with a trip to the dentist! A professional cleaning will help your child smile with confidence for school pictures. Other preventative measures such as dental sealants and fluoride treatments are effective ways of stopping cavities before they start. Then, a dental exam can catch problems in their early stages so treatment can begin before they get any worse.

Our dentist is Hazlet is ready to help you and your child get your smiles ready for back to school! If you have any questions, or you’re ready to schedule an appointment, please contact Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477 today.