• 10 Common Oral Hygiene Mistakes, According to Dentists

    Do you know how to take care of your teeth? If you’re like most people, you probably believe that you have it all under control. If you’re guilty of any of the common mistakes on this list, though, you may need to rethink your oral hygiene routine.

    • Mistake #1: Brushing only once a day. Often, people only brush in the morning, when they want to face the day with fresh breath. Night brushing is important, though, to remove the debris of the day from your teeth and prevent the growth of tooth-decaying bacteria.
    • Mistake #2: Brushing too hard. Harder isn’t better: experts recommend gentle brushing with a soft-headed toothbrush. If you brush too hard, you can damage your gums and wear down your enamel.
    • Mistake #3: Brushing too briefly. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes to thoroughly remove tartar and biofilms that can lead to plaque, cavities, and bad breath. Having trouble remembering to brush so long? Buy a toothbrush with a built-in timer, or set a timer on your phone.
    • Mistake #4: Skipping the floss. Some people think mouthwash is an adequate substitute for flossing, but it’s not. Mouthwash is a great addition to your oral health routine and does a good job of disinfecting the oral cavity, but floss is needed to rid the mouth of oral debris.
    • Mistake #5: Using only floss picks. Floss picks are convenient, but they’re not as effective as string floss or water flossers at removing bacteria from the mouth.
    • Mistake #6: Avoiding floss for fear of blood. If your gums bleed when you floss, it means you need to floss more, not less. If you floss more, your gums will bleed less and you’ll see improvement in your oral health.
    • Mistake #7: Consuming sugary drinks. Skip the sodas and energy drinks. If you need a boost of caffeine, opt for green or black tea to avoid the sugar that feeds bacteria.
    • Mistake #8: Buying cheap toothpaste. Make sure you’re buying toothpaste with the American Dental Academy (ADA) seal of approval.
    • Mistake #9: Using unapproved whiteners. Whiteners that aren’t approved by the ADA can cause issues like sensitivity and damage, or they might not work at all.
    • Mistake #10: Avoiding the dentist. Seeing the dentist every six months can help you catch small problems before they become major issues.

    If you’re looking for a reliable dentist, look to Glenwood Premier Dental, where we believe that a healthy, confident smile is an important part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our staff of caring professionals offers a wide range of dental services, working to exceed our patients’ expectations, and provide the best possible service. We offer dental exams and teeth cleanings, implant dentistry, Invisalign, laser dentistry, teeth whitening, veneers, and more, using state of the art technology in a comfortable and friendly environment. If you’re looking for dental care in Hazlet, contact us through our website or call 732.264.4477.


  • Keto Diet and Dental Health

    If you’re pursuing the ketogenic diet—characterized by very low carbohydrates, moderate protein, and high fat—you’re probably hoping to lose weight quickly. While this is one outcome of the keto diet, it also has some interesting effects on your dental health. Consider the positive and not-so-positive outcomes of the keto diet as it relates to your teeth, gums, and breath.

    Keto Can Reduce Gum Inflammation

    While the keystone of keto is to greatly restrict your carbohydrate intake, this diet also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and D, fiber, and antioxidants. In a 2016 study, keto was shown to decrease all gingival and periodontal inflammatory parameters by 50 percent. As a result, the keto diet could be useful for preventing or treating inflammation associated with gum disease.

    The Keto Diet Can Cause “Keto Breath”

    One unwanted side effect of the keto diet is unpleasantly fruit-scented breath. This happens because, when you drastically reduce your carb intake, your body enters a state called ketosis. In this state, your body burns stored fat and produces ketones, which the body uses as fuel in the absence of carbs.

    One undesirable effect of this is called “keto breath.” While totally harmless, having bad breath can make you feel self-conscious. Follow these tips to alleviate keto breath while following your diet.

    Drink More Water

    Dehydration is a common symptom of the keto diet, especially at the beginning when your body is shifting from using carbs for energy to turning fat stores into energy. Dehydration, in turn, leads to dry mouth, which sets the stage for keto breath. That’s why the first secret to banishing this side effect is to drink more water.

    Increase Your Oral Hygiene Efforts

    If you notice a bad taste in your mouth, or your loved ones pull away in response to your keto breath, combat these symptoms by improving your oral hygiene. Here’s what we suggest:

    • Brush after every meal and snack.
    • Floss daily.
    • Rinse with alcohol-free mouthwash to kill germs without drying out your mouth.

    Watch Your Protein Intake

    The keto diet calls for eating more protein, but don’t overdo it. Your body produces ammonia when it digests protein, and if you eat too much of it, the strong scent could be detectable on your breath.

    Keep Mints on Hand

    When all else fails, mask your keto breath with sugar-free mints. This temporary solution can help you feel more confident at social events and business meetings.

    Keto isn’t the only cause of bad breath. If you try these tips but can’t seem to overcome your symptoms, visiting the dentist might help. Professional teeth cleaning can remove plaque and bacteria contributing to halitosis, or chronic bad breath. You can also receive more personalized tips from your dentist about how to prevent and treat bad breath.

    To schedule your next appointment, please contact Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477. Our dentist in Hazlet would be happy to offer tips to help freshen your breath!

  • How to Relieve a Toothache at Night

    A toothache is no fun any time of day, but it’s especially disruptive at night. Here are some steps you can take to help you fall and stay asleep with a toothache. (Be sure to call your dentist in the morning to ask about setting a same-day appointment to treat this dental emergency.)

    • Take pain medicine: A quick, simple way to deaden a mild-to-moderate toothache is to take over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. For your safety, always follow the dosage on the packaging.
    • Apply a cold compress: Wrap a bag of frozen peas in a towel and place it to your cheek where the affected tooth is located. This restricts blood flow in this area to reduce pain and inflammation so you can sleep. For the best results, apply the compress for 15 to 20 minutes on and off in the evening before going to bed.
    • Elevate your head: Propping up your head with two pillows reduces blood flow to your aching tooth. This may relieve the pain so you can fall asleep.
    • Apply medicated ointment: Over-the-counter oral numbing gel is an effective way to reduce the discomfort of a toothache at night.
    • Rinse with saltwater: As a natural antibacterial agent, saltwater makes an effective mouth rinse. Add one-quarter teaspoon of salt to one-half cup of warm water. Swish a small amount in your mouth for 10 to 15 seconds, and then spit. The pain relief should be immediate.
    • Rinse with hydrogen peroxide: If your toothache is caused by gum disease, a hydrogen peroxide rinse should help. Dilute food-grade hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water. You can also use a whitening mouthwash that contains hydrogen peroxide. Swish for 10 to 15 seconds, and then spit.
    • Make peppermint tea: Peppermint contains menthol and antibacterial compounds. Swishing peppermint tea around your sore tooth or sucking on a peppermint tea bag can temporarily relieve your nighttime toothache.
    • Apply a clove paste: Cloves contain eugenol, an analgesic with a mild numbing effect. Wet a small amount of ground cloves with water to form a paste and apply it to your sore tooth. You can also suck on a single clove and rest it near the painful area for relief.
    • Chew on garlic: Garlic is widely used for its antibacterial effects. When placed in the mouth, a clove of garlic can kill the bacteria causing your toothache. Just be prepared for an intense taste and the lingering effects of garlic breath.

    While these at-home remedies provide temporary relief for a toothache at night, you should never ignore lingering mouth pain. Toothaches could indicate an abscess, cracked tooth, trauma to the jaw, or gum disease, all of which require professional treatment.

    If a tooth is bothering you, contact Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477 right away. Our dentist in Hazlet will make every effort to see you the same day and relieve your pain once and for all!

  • The Unexpected Dangers of Gum Disease

    When you think about dental health, you might picture straight, white teeth with no cavities. However, your gums are equally important and deserving of your attention. After all, keeping this soft tissue healthy doesn’t just prevent gum disease—it also helps you avoid a whole host of surprising, seemingly unrelated health problems. Here are some of the conditions that have an unexpected link to periodontal disease, according to a report published in Medical News Today.

    Alzheimer’s Disease

    Multiple studies have found a connection between poor gum health and decreased cognitive function. For example, an increased buildup of beta-amyloid—which is crucially involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease—is found in periodontal disease patients.

    Evidence also suggests that Porphyromonas gingivalis—a type of bacteria commonly found in periodontitis cases—is also present in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. In fact, P. gingivalis infection is thought to boost the production of beta-amyloid in the brain.

    Heart Disease

    While gum disease and heart disease share some of the same risk factors—including smoking and drinking excessive alcohol—the association between the two doesn’t stop there. One theory is that inflammation links these diseases. If inflammation spurred by gum disease spreads to the cardiovascular system, heart disease could develop.

    Another theory is that gum disease bacteria can enter the bloodstream and make their way to the heart, where they can cause inflammation and damage. This hypothesis is based on the fact that P. gingivalis is the most common bacterial species found in the coronary artery.


    Periodontal disease has been shown to correlate with increased cancer risk. This could be because gum disease bacteria produce a type of enzyme that commonly appears in certain tumors. This enzyme, which helps periodontal disease bacteria to infiltrate your gums, also activates other enzymes that allow cancer cells to advance faster into healthy tissue.

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Although gum health and sexual performance may seem a world apart, they share a common link: inflammation. As previously mentioned, inflammation in the mouth can spread to the blood and impact other parts of the body. Erectile dysfunction is often the result of malfunctioning blood vessels, which can occur because of the proinflammatory state in which gum disease puts your body.

    Lung Disease

    Once again, inflammation and bacteria are the most likely links between gum disease and lung disease. For instance, if gum inflammation spreads to the bronchial tubes, your airways may narrow and make breathing more difficult. It’s also possible to breathe bacteria from the mouth into your lungs, which could trigger an infection, inflammation, and even cancer.

    Gum disease is preventable, yet nearly half of adults in the US have some form of the disease, which puts other aspects of their health at risk. You can prevent and treat gum disease with regular trips to the dentist. If you’re looking for a reliable dentist in Hazlet to take care of your teeth and gums, please contact Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477 today.