• Restorative Dental Care 101

    How much do you know about restorative dental care? Dental professionals use the term “restorative dentistry” to describe the process of replacing or repairing teeth. Today, there are many solutions to dental problems, including crowns, bridges, fillings, and implants. Not only can these products restore your natural smile, but they can also help prevent future problems with your dental health.

    How can replacing damaged teeth improve your oral health? First, when the empty spaces in your mouth are filled, your teeth will remain in proper alignment. When your teeth are properly aligned, it’s easier to maintain good oral hygiene, preventing the build-up of plaque that can lead to additional problems. What’s more, dental restoration can improve your appearance, health, and self-esteem.

    • If your problem is cavities, you probably need fillings. Your dentist will remove the decay from the damaged tooth and fill the hole with one of several different materials. The materials used in fillings include gold, silver amalgam, tooth-colored plastic, composite resin, or porcelain.
    • Sometimes, cavities or broken teeth require crowns. A tooth-shaped cap placed over a tooth, a crown is used to protect and strengthen your tooth structure. Crowns are custom made, based on an impression your dentist makes of your damaged tooth, and cemented in place.
    • If you’ve got missing teeth, your dentist might choose a dental bridge to “bridge” the gap. Anchored on each end by a crown, a bridge uses artificial teeth to connect the crowns and fill the space. This can help prevent your remaining teeth from shifting, and a bridge works like your natural teeth.
    • A good permanent solution for missing teeth is dental implants. Implants involve two pieces: an anchor and a tooth. The metal anchor is inserted into the jawbone, then topped with a false tooth, designed to look and feel like a natural tooth.

    Once your smile has been restored, you can care for your dental appliances just as you would your natural teeth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and consider an electric toothbrush to help remove plaque from both the restorative work and your teeth. It’s also important to floss around your teeth, dental implants, bridges, or crowns every day, and use an antibacterial mouthwash to help fight plaque bacteria. Eat a healthy diet, avoiding sugary, sticky foods, and trying not to chew on hard foods that can damage your dental work.

    If you need restorative dental care, look to Glenwood Premier Dental, where we believe that a healthy, confident smile is an important part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our staff of caring professionals offers a wide range of dental services, working to exceed our patients’ expectations, and provide the best possible service. We offer dental exams and teeth cleanings, teeth whitening, and more, using state of the art technology in a comfortable and friendly environment. If you’re looking for dental care in Hazlet, contact us through our website or call 732.264.4477.

  • Tips for Having Healthy Teeth and Gums

    Are you doing everything you can to keep your teeth and gums healthy? Research indicates that the health of a person’s mouth has an impact on a person’s overall health. Without proper care, tooth and gum problems can lead to pain, tooth loss, and diminished self-confidence. Worse, these problems can result in malnutrition, speech problems, and other challenges. The bacteria from tooth decay can even travel to other parts of the body and cause issues like heart disease and other major health concerns. How can you maintain good oral health?

    • Brush at least twice a day, correctly. Brushing your teeth is one of the most important things you can do, as long as you’re using the right technique. Using a soft-bristled brush, fluoride toothpaste, and small circular motions, spend two to three minutes brushing the front, back, and top of all of your teeth. Be careful not to brush too aggressively, and replace your toothbrush when the ends begin to fray, about every three months.
    • Floss daily. Flossing removes plaque and bacteria from between the teeth, in the places where your toothbrush is unable to reach. Flossing also removes debris and food trapped between the teeth, helping prevent bad breath. Gently push the floss all the way down to your gumline, then hug the side of the tooth with up-and-down motions. Don’t snap the floss up and down, which can cause pain and won’t effectively remove plaque.
    • Consider using a mouthwash. Antibacterial mouthwashes and rinses with certain essential oils can be effective in protecting oral health and preventing bad breath. Talk to your dentist about the right mouthwash for you.
    • Be smart about what goes into your mouth. Don’t smoke, because this can raise your risk of gum disease and impair your immune system. Eat a healthy diet, limiting sugar and starches, and eating plenty of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Drink water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages.
    • Teach your children good oral hygiene early. Wipe your baby’s gums with a soft cloth, and teach your children to brush their teeth as soon as they have teeth, brushing the teeth for them until they’re old enough to take on that responsibility. Never share utensils or place a baby’s pacifier into your mouth. Limit sugary foods and beverages, and never let your child take a bottle or sippy cup or milk or juice to bed.
    • Make regular dental care a priority. Seeing a dentist every six months for cleaning and a checkup can help prevent dental problems from becoming major issues.

    To keep your teeth and gums healthy, trust your dental care to Glenwood Premier Dental, where we believe that a healthy, confident smile is an integral part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our staff of caring professionals offers a wide range of dental services, providing excellent care in a comfortable and friendly environment. If you’re looking for dental care in Hazlet, contact us through our website or call 732.264.4477.


  • Are You Battling Bad Breath?

    How is your breath? If you struggle with bad breath, also called halitosis, it can be an embarrassing issue that is difficult to control. Sometimes, you can effectively fight bad breath with good oral hygiene, but sometimes the problem is the sign of a more serious health concern, either dental or medical. How can you prevent bad breath and keep your mouth healthy?

    • Most of the time, halitosis begins in the mouth. It could be remnants of foods in the mouth after a meal, causing bacteria growth, or it could be that you’ve eaten a pungent food like garlic, onion, or certain spices, which affect your breath while they’re being digested.
    • Tobacco can cause bad breath. Cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products can cause a foul odor in the mouth. What’s more, when you smoke or otherwise consume tobacco, your risk of oral and other cancers is increased.
    • Sometimes the problem is poor oral hygiene. If you don’t properly brush and floss, or you skip brushing your tongue, food particles remain in your mouth. As these bits of food break down, they produce bacterial growth that can cause bad breath and increase the risk of gum disease. Conquering your bad breath may be as simple as brushing twice a day, flossing at least once, and cleaning any dental appliances regularly.
    • A lack of saliva can cause halitosis. Saliva helps keep your mouth clean by clearing away food particles, and when your mouth is dry, food particles left behind can cause bad breath. Dry mouth can sometimes be a side effect of certain medications.
    • Some health problems cause bad breath. Sometimes, no matter how much attention you pay to your oral hygiene, your breath is still not good. This could be the result of a respiratory infection or inflammation of the sinuses, lungs, or throat. Diabetes, some liver diseases, and kidney disease can also cause halitosis.


    The best way to fight bad breath is to brush your teeth, floss, and clean your tongue. If you’re doing all that you can and still struggling with breath that’s not so fresh, talk to your dentist and find out if he or she can prescribe or recommend a special toothpaste and mouthwash. Seeing your dentist regularly is another vital part of preventing bad breath because when you have regular dental appointments, your dentist will be able to catch issues before they become significant problems. If your dentist has ruled out dental issues as the cause of your halitosis, consider seeing a doctor to determine if you have an underlying medical condition.

    If you need a dentist, look to Glenwood Premier Dental, where we believe that a healthy mouth is an integral part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our staff of caring professionals offers a wide range of dental services, using state of the art technology in a comfortable and friendly environment. If you’re seeking dental care in Hazlet, contact us through our website or call 732.264.4477.

  • Are You New to Dentures?

    If you’ve been told you need dentures, you’re not alone. Millions of people have restored their mouths using dentures, beginning a journey towards a new life and a more confident smile. Your dentist will create your dentures based on an impression of your mouth, customizing them based on your preferences and adjusting them as needed to fit comfortably. It may take a little while to get used to wearing your dentures, but the most important thing to know is how to take care of them.

    • At first, you’ll need to eat mostly soft foods. This is just until you grow accustomed to wearing your dentures, and after that, you can eat many different foods, as long as you cut them into small pieces to make them easier to chew. It may take a while to get used to your dentures, and that’s normal. Avoid hard, chewy, or sticky foods, like meat, candies, and gum, and limit any firm fruits or vegetables, because these foods can be hard on your gum tissue. Make sure you chew evenly on each side of your mouth and drink water with your meals to help rinse away food particles.
    • You will need to clean your dentures daily. As soon as you get dentures, you should establish a daily routine for cleaning them in order to maintain good oral hygiene. You can soak them with a special denture-cleaning tablet to remove stains and kill odor-causing bacteria. You should also gently brush your dentures, using a soft-bristled brush, to be sure you’ve cleaned off any remaining debris.
    • Store your dentures properly when you’re not wearing them. Cleaning your dentures is an important part of taking care of them, but so is storing them properly. Any time that you’re not wearing your dentures, they should be placed in a glass of water or denture cleanser solution. This will help to keep them from drying out. It’s also important to keep your dentures out of the reach of children or pets so that they don’t meet with an unfortunate accident.

    If you need to restore your smile and you’re considering dentures, look to Glenwood Premier Dental, where we believe that a healthy, confident smile is an important part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our staff of caring professionals offers a wide range of dental services, working to exceed our patients’ expectations, and provide the best possible service. We offer dental exams and teeth cleanings, teeth whitening, and more, using state of the art technology in a comfortable and friendly environment. If you’re looking for dental care in Hazlet, contact us through our website or call 732.264.4477.