• A Look at the Risk Factors for Oral Cancer

    Oral cancer is more common than you might think and can be incredibly difficult to treat if it’s not detected in its early stages. Regular oral cancer screenings from your dentist can give you peace of mind and ensure that you get the best, most effective treatment possible if cancer does develop. Continue reading to learn about the common risk factors for oral cancer.

    Tobacco Use

    Of all of the preventable risk factors for oral cancer, tobacco use tops the charts. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff, and chewing tobacco all increase your chances of developing some form of oral cancer. A variety of carcinogens exist in both smoking and smokeless tobacco, but smoking does seem to have a slightly higher association with oral cancer. Even so, smokeless options are by no means benign. Furthermore, the risk of tobacco-related oral cancer goes up when accompanied by heavy alcohol use.

    Poor Diet

    The exact mechanism by which inadequate nutrition influences the development of oral cancer is not completely understood, but there is a definite correlation. In particular, a diet very low in beta carotene seems to be a risk factor for oral cancer in particular, and insufficient vitamin C is associated with general cancer risks. More research is needed to establish a protocol for reducing oral cancer risks through diet, but most experts agree that increasing the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is highly beneficial.

    Gender and Age

    Men are twice as likely to develop oral cancer as women, particularly those who are older than 62 years of age. Some experts believe that this is partially due to heavier tobacco and alcohol use among men, though the precise reason for such a large discrepancy is still open for debate.

    The best thing you can do to avoid oral cancer is to discontinue unhealthy habits such as smoking and to have regular oral cancer screenings with your dentist. If you’re interested in oral cancer screenings in Hazlet, call Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 847-9039 to schedule an appointment.

  • Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

    Periodontal disease can have devastating effects on your oral and general health. This disease is preventable with proper dental care and hygiene, and yet it is the single most common oral disease in the nation. If you have symptoms of periodontal disease, it’s important to see your dentist or periodontist right away. Periodontal disease is easy to treat in its early stages, but becomes progressively harder to treat the longer it goes unaddressed.

    Symptoms of periodontal disease can include sensitive, swollen, or red gums that bleed easily when brushing, bad breath, teeth that feel loose, pus around the teeth, and gums that have begun to recede away from the teeth. This list is not exhaustive, and you may not have any symptoms at all in the early stages. That’s why regular check-ups with your dentist for cleanings and screenings are so important.

    Contact Glenwood Premier Dental today if you are in need of a periodontist or dentist serving Hazlet. Call (732)-847-9039 to schedule your appointment, or visit our website for more information.

  • Screening for Gum Disease

    Checking for gum disease, or periodontal disease, is one of the most important screenings your dentist can provide. Without healthy gums, the chances that your teeth will stay healthy for long drop significantly. Gum disease can lead to a host of other problems, up to and including tooth loss. Watch this video to see how simple a gum disease screening really is.

    As you’ll see, screening for gum disease is neither painful nor invasive. Your dentist uses a simple probe to measure the space in the pockets of your gums, and only goes just until he or she feels resistance. This process is extremely valuable in determining the best options for your optimal oral health.

    If you’re past due for a dental exam and gum disease screening, or if you’re looking for a periodontist in Hazlet, come to Glenwood Premier Dental . We offer the latest in dental care and technology to give you the healthiest smile possible. Call (732) 847-9039 today to schedule an appointment.

  • What Does Invisalign Treat?

    When it comes to orthodontic options for adults, Invisalign has taken the field by storm. The convenience, comfort, and discretion it affords, combined with its incredible efficacy, make it easy to see why patients love it so much. Some people, however, never ask their dentist about Invisalign because they believe their case may be too complex for it, or that they are otherwise somehow not a good candidate. The good news is that modern Invisalign treatment can address a variety of malocclusions.

    Gaps Between Teeth

    Gaps between your teeth can create several oral health concerns, from discomfort while eating to difficulty maintaining proper and through hygiene habits. They can lead to gum tissue damage or periodontal disease since there is nothing to protect your gums from the impact of food in the gapped areas. If you have gaps between your teeth, you may be a good candidate for Invisalign treatment.

    Maligned Bites

    Many types of misaligned bites are currently treatable with Invisalign , provided there are no other major concerns that would complicate your treatment. Open bites, crossbites, overbites, and underbites can all be addressed. It’s important to correct bite problems because of the unnatural wear they can cause on teeth and the extra strain they may place on the jaw muscles.

    Crowded Teeth

    Overcrowding of teeth is a problem because of the challenge it creates in terms of proper brushing and flossing. Patients with crowded smiles are much more likely to develop tooth decay and gum disease. This tends to be a progressive problem that worsens the longer it goes untreated. Fortunately, Invisalign can help in many cases of tooth crowding.

    For more information about Invisalign near Hazlet, or to schedule an appointment for a consultation, contact us at Glenwood Premier Dental by calling (732) 847-9039. You may also browse our website for a wealth of information and resources about the dental services we provide and what you can do to take charge of your oral health.

  • Restoring Your Smile at Glenwood Premier Dental

    hazlet dentist - dr. wassef Proper dental hygiene is linked to many different factors, some of which are uncontrollable. Fortunately, the dental staff here at Glenwood Premier Dental can reverse the effects of poor dental hygiene and restore your smile.

    Glenwood Premier Dental is committed to restoring your teeth to their original form and function so that you can enjoy a healthy and confident smile. Our team is qualified to perform a number of different procedures such as fillings, crowns, root canals, and dentures. We also provide cosmetic dentistry services that can make your smile bright and beautiful.

    If you are interested in restoring your smile at Glenwood Premier Dental in Hazlet please do not hesitate to call us at (732) 847-9039. Feel free to stop by our office and meet with us or visit our website if you would like to learn more about our services.

  • Why Preventive Dentistry Is Important

    You have probably been reminded since childhood about the importance of brushing, flossing, and meeting with your dentist for routine dental exams . It is wise to heed these warnings and take care of your teeth in order to maintain positive oral health and avoid complications in the future. Here is a quick look at why preventive dentistry is important.

    Setting the Stage

    A lifetime worth of bright, clean, and healthy teeth starts in childhood. Get your children into the habit of taking care of their teeth while they are young so that they keep these values with them throughout their adult lives. Instill the values of preventive dentistry by teaching your kids to brush their teeth twice each day and floss once in between. You can even avoid the development of dental phobias by getting your children accustomed to dentists at a young age.

    Avoiding Complications

    Preventive dentistry helps you keep your teeth in proper shape throughout your entire life. Keeping up with your dental care and visiting your dentist regularly are important elements of preventive dentistry , and they may spare you the pain and inconvenience of future oral complications. Removing bacteria can prevent plaque from building up and hardening into tartar, which can ultimately prevent the development of conditions like gingivitis and periodontitis in the long run.

    Maintaining Overall Health

    You might think that your teeth have nothing to do with your heart or that your gums and immune system do not interact; however, this is not the case. Your overall health and your oral health are linked in several different ways. This means that engaging in preventive dentistry and taking care of your teeth and gums is a great way to maintain your health and wellbeing now and into the future.

    For more information about preventive dentistry, call Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 847-9039. Our dentistry practice can provide you and your family with the very best preventive dentistry services in Hazlet. If you would like more information about our services, please visit our website or stop by our offices and meet with us today.

  • Causes of Gum Recession

    People may experience gum recession in various degrees of severity, but failure to see your dentist in Hazlet and address the situation will inevitably lead to further recession and bigger problems.

    Like most dental problems, gum recession can occur for a number of different reasons. Your gums may recede due to a recent trauma to the mouth, or you may be genetically predisposed to the condition. Irregular tooth position can also lead to gum recession, as can periodontal disease. Watch this video for additional information on the most common causes of gum recession.

    Glenwood Premier Dental is happy to serve the Hazlet area with high quality cosmetic and implant dentistry procedures. We specialize in root canals, laser dentistry, and Invisalign. If you would like to learn how our dental professionals can give you the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted, please visit website or stop in and meet with us. You can also give us a call at (732) 847-9039 to discuss your dental needs.

  • Exploring the Dental Implant Procedure

    Certain procedures that your Hazlet dentist can perform may impact both your appearance and your ability to chew and speak efficiently. Dental implants and dentures are both examples of these kinds of procedures. If your dentist has recommended dental implants, read this brief article for information on what to expect.

    Meeting with Your Dentist

    The first step in the dental implant procedure is determining whether or not this particular treatment is optimal for your needs. Dental implants may be a suitable treatment for missing teeth, but it is not the only one. Only your dentist can help you determine what the ideal treatment would be. Your dentist will evaluate your gums, jaws, and teeth to assess whether or not you are an ideal candidate for dental implants.

    Dental Implants Hazlet - Glenwood Premier Dental Three Steps of the Process

    Once your dentist determines that this is the ideal treatment for your needs, you will go through the three stages of dental implant procedure . The first step in this process is to replace the root of your missing tooth with a surgical implant under your gum. You will give this time to heal and then return to have a post or abutment installed. The abutment attaches to the implant through the gum, which heals around the post. Your oral surgeon can then use the exposed post to attach a dental crown or prosthetic tooth.

    Success Rates

    Dental implant procedures typically enjoy a very high success rate. In some rare cases a patient’s mouth does not accept the dental implant. When this occurs, your dentist will remove the failed implant and determine whether or not a replacement dental implant should be inserted.

    Would you like to learn more about the dental implant procedure? If so, contact Glenwood Premier Dental . We are proud to call ourselves the Hazlet area’s home for cosmetic, implant, and laser dentistry. Please give us a call at (732) 847-9039 or visit our website to learn more about our many dental procedures. If you live in the area, feel free to stop in and see us today.

  • What Foods Could be Damaging your Teeth?

    Read this article from Health Magazine to learn about 5 surprising foods that could be damaging your teeth.

  • Smokeless Tobacco and Your Oral Health

    Using smokeless tobacco can significantly increase your risk for oral health issues like periodontal disease and oral cancer. If you use smokeless tobacco, you are exposing yourself to harmful chemicals that make it much more difficult to maintain a healthy mouth.

    The tobacco irritates gums, which could lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and increased sensitivity. There are at least 28 cancer-causing agents in smokeless tobacco. If you use smokeless tobacco, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist to make sure everything looks good in your mouth. Learn more in this video.

    Glenwood Premier Dental is here to help you enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile. Whether you need a cleaning or an oral cancer screening, our team is here to ensure that your teeth and gums are as healthy as possible. Call (732) 847-9224 to learn more.