• Veneers versus Dental Crowns

    Veneers and dental crowns have many similarities. They’re both designed to restore the look and function of your teeth, and they both do that by bonding to the surface of the tooth. There are some key differences between veneers and crowns, though, both in form and function.

    The primary difference between the two is that while a crown covers the whole tooth, a veneer covers only the front of the tooth. To attach a crown, the dentist will remove any decay, but may also need to file down your natural tooth to make the crown fit. By contrast, only half a millimeter of enamel is removed to bond a veneer to a tooth. In order to be a candidate for veneers, a patient must have sufficient enamel so that a millimeter can be removed and enough will be left for the veneers to bond properly.

    Both dental crowns and porcelain veneers can improve the appearance of your teeth. They’re custom-made to fit your teeth, and tinted to blend in with the surrounding teeth. Porcelain veneers can repair many dental imperfections, from chips and gaps to misalignment to stains, discoloration, and other issues. However, that’s the extend of what they do: improve the aesthetics of your mouth.

    Crowns, on the other hand, provide strength and support to your teeth. They can protect teeth from further damage, often decreasing the likelihood of extraction. Veneers can sometimes be useful in increasing function and providing protection, but their primary purpose is cosmetic. When a tooth is in a serious state of disrepair, a crown is often necessary to salvage the tooth. Both crowns and veneers are made to last for decades and can be used with other dental procedures to provide you with the best possible smile.

    So which option is the right one for you? If the tooth you want to repair is severely cracked or worn, or has a large filling, a dental crown will be the best option. If you just want to improve the shape and color of your teeth, veneers may be for you.

    If you’re looking for a reliable dentist, look to Glenwood Premier Dental, where we believe that a healthy, confident smile is an important part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our staff of caring professionals offers a wide range of dental services, working to exceed our patients’ expectations, and provide the best possible service. We offer dental exams and teeth cleanings, implant dentistry, Invisalign, laser dentistry, teeth whitening, veneers, and more, using state of the art technology in a comfortable and friendly environment. If you’re looking for dental care in Hazlet, contact us through our website or call 732.264.4477.

  • Flossing 101

    You hear it every time you go to the dentist: brush twice a day, and floss at least daily. Obviously, you understand that brushing your teeth is necessary to remove food, bacteria, and plaque, but why is flossing so important? We can give you several good reasons to floss your teeth.

    • When you floss, you remove plaque and food particles your toothbrush left behind. Your teeth will look brighter after you floss because, just like in the old carpet demonstrations, dirt is being removed that you didn’t even realize was there.
    • Flossing can help protect your overall health. An increasing body of evidence links periodontal disease to an increased heart disease risk. This may be because mouth infections increase inflammatory substances in the blood, or it could be because bacteria from your mouth can enter the bloodstream. Whatever the reason, flossing protects your heart by reducing your risk of gum disease.
    • When you floss, you get to take a close look at your mouth. There are conditions like cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other conditions, that can create lesions in your mouth and cause your gums to redden and swell. Flossing gets you up close and personal with your mouth so that you can let your doctor know what’s going on.
    • Flossing helps protect your gums. When your gums are chronically unhealthy, you are at an increased risk of losing your teeth. Brushing twice a day is extremely important to your oral hygiene, it may not be enough to protect you from gum disease and the resultant tooth loss. Flossing provides an extra layer of protection.
    • When you floss, you improve the health of your gums. You may be reluctant to floss because you have sensitive or bleeding gums, but in fact, flossing can make your gums healthier and help prevent bleeding.
    • It’s never too late to start flossing. No matter when you start, you can improve your oral hygiene and the health of your gums. Flossing, combined with brushing and rinsing, can protect against gingivitis, remove plaque and food particles, and keep your teeth and gums healthy.
    • Brushing and flossing right after you eat may help you lose weight. When your mouth feels clean, you’ll be less likely to snack mindlessly between meals.

    Brushing, flossing, and seeing a dentist twice a year for a checkup and a cleaning can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you’re looking for a reliable dentist, look to Glenwood Premier Dental, where we believe that a healthy, confident smile is an important part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our staff of caring professionals offers a wide range of dental services, working to exceed our patients’ expectations, and provide the best possible service. We offer dental exams and teeth cleanings, implant dentistry, Invisalign, laser dentistry, teeth whitening, veneers, and more, using state of the art technology in a comfortable and friendly environment. If you’re looking for dental care in Hazlet, contact us through our website or call 732.264.4477.

  • Which Teeth Whitening is Best for You?

    If you’re like most people, life has taken its toll on your pearly whites. Coffee, tea, and soda have made your teeth less than sparkling, and now you’re self-conscious every time you smile. Fortunately, if you want to whiten your smile, there’s no shortage of options available. There are so many, in fact, that we thought you might need help determining which one is right for you.

    • Charcoal teeth whitening is a hot trend right now. Activated charcoal is not the same kind of charcoal you’d use on your grill, though. It’s the kind used in emergency rooms to absorb toxins from alcohol poisoning or a drug overdose. The theory is that this highly porous substance will pull stains and bacteria from your teeth, leaving them healthier and whiter. Does it work? Not really. It doesn’t stay on the teeth long enough, and the whitening it accomplishes is probably due to its abrasive nature. There are concerns about its safety, too, because it seems that over time it can irritate your gums, get into your fillings, and even wear away enamel.
    • What about Crest WhiteStrips? Crest teeth whitening strips are available over the counter, and they’re as easy to use as they are affordable. Thin, flexible strips of polyethylene, WhiteStrips easily fit over the teeth. They contain an adhesive that holds them in place and a 9.5 hydrogen peroxide solution that soaks into the teeth and bleaches out stains. They’re only meant to be worn for about five minutes each day. They are fairly effective at bleaching stains because they stay on your teeth longer than whitening pens and toothpaste. Are they safe? Typically. For people with sensitive skin, though, they can irritate the gums or cause discomfort. Used incorrectly and excessively, Crest WhiteStrips can cause damage to the enamel, as well as tooth sensitivity.
    • Professional whitening is done by a cosmetic dentist. It’s a popular choice because it’s very effective for most patients, and the results last a long time. Because it’s closely monitored by a professional, it’s safe. It’s done using custom-made trays and a peroxide bleaching solution, which you take home to use, following in-depth instructions provided by your dentist. In the comfort of your home, you can pop in the trays and watch TV, read, or just relax while you wait for them to do their magic.


    If you’re looking for professional whitening, look to Glenwood Premier Dental, where we believe that a healthy, confident smile is an important part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our staff of caring professionals offers a wide range of dental services, working to exceed our patients’ expectations, and provide the best possible service. We offer dental exams and teeth cleanings, implant dentistry, Invisalign, laser dentistry, teeth whitening, veneers, and more, using state of the art technology in a comfortable and friendly environment. If you’re looking for dental care in Hazlet, contact us through our website or call 732.264.4477.

  • Cavities in Children

    Did you know that the CDC classifies tooth decay as one of the most common childhood diseases? All children are at risk for cavities, and the level of risk is impacted by many different factors. Why do some kids keep getting cavities while others remain cavity-free?

    • First, it’s important to understand that heredity plays a part. Research by the National Institute of Health (NIH) suggests that a genetic component plays a role in tooth decay, all else being equal. In other words, just because someone you know never brushes his teeth and never has a cavity, that doesn’t mean someone else can get away with it. Understanding that part of the risk is genetic, though, should encourage you to promote healthy dental habits so that your children can rise above their genes.
    • Ultimately, cavities are caused by bacteria. That’s why good oral hygiene is so important. Bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar and produce acid, which dissolves the minerals in a tooth’s enamel. As the tooth breaks down, cavities form.
    • Regular dental care is crucial in preventing cavities. One in four children develops at least one cavity by the age of four. Because some children get cavities much earlier, it’s important to schedule a child’s first dental visit by the first birthday. The dentist will evaluate your child’s mouth and teeth, discuss measures to prevent tooth decay, and present treatment options if there are any cavities. In the interest of a thorough examination, the dentist may recommend dental x-rays, which provide a view that isn’t visible in a visual examination. Cavities must be treated promptly because infection in the mouth can lead to more serious health issues, as well as pain.
    • You can be proactive about your child’s dental health. In addition to regular dental checkups, institute a brushing and flossing routine early in your child’s life. Brushing twice a day removes plaque, as does flossing. Start cleanings as soon as teeth erupt, with non-fluoride toothpaste before age two. As a parent, you should brush your children’s teeth until they turn six and can show you that they’re capable of doing it themselves. It’s especially important to brush teeth before bed and to use a fluoride toothpaste after age two.
    • Diet matters. Limit the starchy and sugary foods your children eat, choosing instead to fill their diet with fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods.

    If you’re looking for a dentist for your children, look to Glenwood Premier Dental, where we believe that a healthy, confident smile is an important part of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our staff of caring professionals offers a wide range of dental services, working to exceed our patients’ expectations, and provide the best possible service. We offer dental exams and teeth cleanings, teeth whitening, and more, using state of the art technology in a comfortable and friendly environment. If you’re looking for dental care in Hazlet, contact us through our website or call 732.264.4477.