• Reasons for Periodontal Maintenance Programs

    Gingivitis Hazlet Everyone is at risk for gingivitis and periodontal disease, and that risk is increased if you don’t visit your dentist for regular dental exams and teeth cleanings. Periodontal disease, which is also called gum disease, is caused by poor oral hygiene. Without regular teeth cleanings, plaque and tartar will build up on your teeth. This buildup harbors harmful bacteria that cause gingivitis, infection, receding gums, and loose teeth.

    When gingivitis and gum disease are caught early during a routine dental exam, your chances of successful treatment are increased. If you suffer from gingivitis or periodontitis, you and your periodontist will need to develop a comprehensive periodontal maintenance program to prevent your gum disease from worsening. Periodontal maintenance programs begin with non-surgical treatment methods, but your periodontist may recommend surgical treatment if your gum disease advances.

    At Glenwood Premier Dental, our experienced periodontists can offer safe, effective periodontal maintenance plans for the treatment of gingivitis and gum disease near Hazlet . If you are suffering from early warning signs of gum disease, come see one of our dentists as soon as possible to discuss treatment. To schedule an appointment with a periodontist, call us today at (732) 264-4477.

  • Screening for Gum Disease

    Checking for gum disease, or periodontal disease, is one of the most important screenings your dentist can provide. Without healthy gums, the chances that your teeth will stay healthy for long drop significantly. Gum disease can lead to a host of other problems, up to and including tooth loss. Watch this video to see how simple a gum disease screening really is.

    As you’ll see, screening for gum disease is neither painful nor invasive. Your dentist uses a simple probe to measure the space in the pockets of your gums, and only goes just until he or she feels resistance. This process is extremely valuable in determining the best options for your optimal oral health.

    If you’re past due for a dental exam and gum disease screening, or if you’re looking for a periodontist in Hazlet, come to Glenwood Premier Dental . We offer the latest in dental care and technology to give you the healthiest smile possible. Call (732) 847-9039 today to schedule an appointment.

  • Causes of Gum Recession

    People may experience gum recession in various degrees of severity, but failure to see your dentist in Hazlet and address the situation will inevitably lead to further recession and bigger problems.

    Like most dental problems, gum recession can occur for a number of different reasons. Your gums may recede due to a recent trauma to the mouth, or you may be genetically predisposed to the condition. Irregular tooth position can also lead to gum recession, as can periodontal disease. Watch this video for additional information on the most common causes of gum recession.

    Glenwood Premier Dental is happy to serve the Hazlet area with high quality cosmetic and implant dentistry procedures. We specialize in root canals, laser dentistry, and Invisalign. If you would like to learn how our dental professionals can give you the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted, please visit website or stop in and meet with us. You can also give us a call at (732) 847-9039 to discuss your dental needs.

  • The Stages of Gum Disease

    Gum disease may begin as a painless condition, but in its advanced stages, this problem can lead to considerable discomfort and heartache. Tooth loss is a common consequence of unchecked gum disease, an outcome that only implant dentistry may rectify. To protect yourself from loose teeth or missing teeth, seek professional help as soon as you notice the initial signs of gum disease. The sooner that your dentist serving Hazlet can address this condition, the better off your teeth and gums will be.

    First Stage: Gingivitis

    Gum disease begins when plaque has the chance to collect on tooth enamel. Plaque forms when the bacteria in your mouth combine with food particles. This mixture becomes a sticky acidic substance that can build and harden on teeth. Should enough plaque accumulate on your teeth, it can cause gum inflammation. While you may not feel pain, you can often see the warning signs of gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. If your gums look red or they bleed, consult a dentist. Also, keep up with your teeth cleanings. During these appointments, your dentist can remove hardened plaque.

    Next Stage: Periodontitis

    If your dentist doesn’t have the opportunity to remove plaque from your teeth, you might advance to the next stage of gum disease: periodontitis. At this point, your gums may begin to recede from your original gumline. As your gums deteriorate, the opportunity for plaque accumulation grows. Unlike gingivitis, which a dentist can reverse with early treatment, periodontitis produces permanent dental damage.

    Last Stage: Advanced Periodontitis

    As gum inflammation progresses, the bacteria that destroy gum tissues can also impact the bone into which teeth are rooted. Should this happen, your teeth may begin to shift in their sockets. Without a stable foundation, they can also fall out. Once gum disease develops into advanced periodontitis, the risk of tooth loss is high. Because bone and gum tissue typically cannot regenerate, your dentist may need to perform extractions if you have loose teeth. So before your occasionally bleeding gums evolve into dangerously loose teeth, make sure that you adhere to a consistent oral hygiene routine and undergo regular dental exams.

    Glenwood Premier Dental offers effective gum disease solutions for our Hazlet patients. Call (732) 264-4477 to learn more about our laser dentistry services. Our dentist Mark Wassef DMD can help you maintain a healthy and full smile.