• Bonding Benefits Explained

    Cosmetic Dentist Hazlet Chipped and cracked teeth can affect the appearance of your smile and your confidence in social situations. Luckily, dental bonding from your dentist offers an excellent solution for these types of tooth damage and more.

    Bonding involves the application of tooth-colored resin to repair a damaged tooth. Your dentist can treat discolored, misshapen, cracked, chipped, decayed, and gapped teeth with bonding. This restorative care procedure is among the simplest and most affordable available, and it provides patients with attractive and natural-looking results. To attach the bonding material, your dentist will remove a small amount of the tooth’s surface, apply a conditioning liquid, and then shape and harden the resin. In many cases, no anesthesia is required for this treatment.

    If you have a damaged tooth that affects the look of your smile or the function of your bite, then you may benefit from dental bonding restorative care in Hazlet. To schedule your free dental consultation or learn about laser dentistry, call Glenwood Premier Dental today at (732) 264-4477.

  • Oral Health Advice for People with Diabetes

    Good oral hygiene and regular dentist visits are vital for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. If you have diabetes, the importance of flossing and brushing your teeth is even greater. Watch this video for oral health advice for diabetics.

    The state of your gums plays a critical role in your overall oral health. Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, can be a serious condition that may lead to tooth decay and loss. Unfortunately, people with diabetes are at more than twice the risk for severe forms of gum disease.

    Diabetes puts you at a higher risk for periodontal disease, tooth decay, and other dental conditions, so regular dentist checkups are essential. To schedule your free consultation or dental exam with a dentist serving Hazlet, call Glenwood Premier Dental today at (732) 264-4477.

  • When Is a Root Canal Necessary?

    Root Canal Hazlet No one likes having a toothache, and sometimes a root canal is necessary to relieve the pain. But when is it time to schedule a dental appointment for a root canal to resolve a toothache? Here are some questions you can ask to help distinguish a mild toothache from a serious infection requiring immediate dental care.

    When Do You Experience Pain?

    With a cavity, you may experience pain periodically. With severe tooth decay, however, you will likely experience a toothache for a prolonged period of time. The pain may become more severe when you eat something or pressure is applied to the area in general. If you experience intense pain whenever you eat or drink something cold or hot, then you may be in need of a root canal . The same goes if you apply a hot or cold compress to the area and experience lasting pain after the compress has been removed.

    What Does the Site Look Like?

    You will notice the infected tooth becoming darker as the infection becomes worse. Depending on how far the infection has traveled, you may have a white bump appear in the gums immediately surrounding the infected tooth. This might be the start of a gum abscess. If the area around the tooth begins swelling and becoming more tender to touch, you may be in need of a root canal.

    What Does Your Dentist Advise?

    Obviously, you should always consult your dentist when you experience any sort of toothache or gum pain. Your dentist can assess the area through a dental exam and x-rays to determine the exact location and extent of the infection. Once he has located the infection, your dentist can advise the best course of action, whether that is a root canal or a possible tooth extraction.

    When you need a root canal near Hazlet, you call the kind and caring professionals at Glenwood Premier Dental. We don’t want our patients to be in any kind of pain, whether it is from gum disease or a mild toothache. Call us at (732) 264-4477 or visit us online to learn more about the many services we have to offer you.

  • Treating Periodontal Disease

    Gum Disease Hazlet Periodontal disease, also known as advanced gum disease, is a painful and debilitating condition that occurs within and around the gum line. Often accompanied by bleeding gums, bad breath, and loose teeth, there are a few different ways your dentist might treat your periodontal disease. However, you should always strive for proper dental care to maintain healthy gums and teeth.

    When only minor periodontal disease, or gingivitis, is present, your dentist can treat your gums with a simple instruction on more effective daily hygiene. Typically, this mild stage can be treated with a few deep cleanings and better personal dental care. If your dentist determines that you have advanced periodontal disease, he may have to perform procedures knowns as scaling and planing. These procedures typically involve scraping tartar and bacteria from the teeth roots and removing pockets of toxins from the gums. Once these areas are clean, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics and mouth rinses to help your gums continue to heal.

    Don’t let gum disease near Hazlet rule your life. Call Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477 to schedule a dental exam right away.

  • Healing from Dental Implants

    Dental implants can be healing in many ways, because they restore missing teeth permanently to improve your oral health and your self-confidence. Implant dentistry is changing lives across the world, and though it requires a little bit of recovery time, patients are forever changed for the better after their implant surgery.

    Healing Time Implant Dentistry Hazlet

    The amount of time it takes to heal from a dental implant surgery depends on the severity of the surgery, the patient’s bone quality, and the quality of the aftercare. Typically, healing time will be anywhere from two to four months. However, the more involved an implant surgery was—potentially due to additional teeth extractions, bone grafts, or complications—the longer the healing time will be. Also, if a patient has difficulty healing from invasive procedures, possibly due to a blood or immune disorder, the healing time may be longer than normal.

    Proper Aftercare

    A patient’s care after an implant procedure encompasses everything from his oral hygiene to his overall health. If a patient follows the dentist’s instructions exactly and maintains healthy habits, healing time should go smoothly.

    Dental Checkups

    In the following weeks and months after an implant procedure, the patient will visit the dentist several times. These checkups will assess how well the implants are fusing to the jaw. They will also determine how well the patient’s gums and mouth are healing. Once the jaw and gums have sufficiently healed, the dentist will start to incorporate the dental restorations. Often, implant-supported dentures are able to be loaded onto the implants within a day or two of the surgery. However, this may not always be possible, and it is completely normal to finish healing before a dentist will fully load dentures onto an implant.

    If you have been curious about implant dentistry near Hazlet, call Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477. We will get you in for a comprehensive dental exam and discuss all of the options available to you . When you want a compassionate and understanding dentist and staff, you know to call Glenwood Premier Dental.

  • How Missing Teeth Affect Your Health

    As you can see in this video, people with missing teeth and dentures tend to eat softer food that has been heavily processed. As any doctor and dentist will advise, this type of diet is unhealthy toward a patient’s overall health and wellbeing.

    When someone has missing teeth, they often find it difficult to eat healthier foods like vegetables, fruits, and meats. These foods are essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, though they may be inaccessible to you if you have missing teeth or poorly fitted dental restorations. Your dentist can help you explore restorative care options that will more easily allow you to eat healthy foods.

    At Glenwood Premier Dental , we believe that good dental health can profoundly impact your overall health. Call us at (732) 264-4477 to schedule a consultation with the best dentists in Hazlet so you can lead a full and healthy life.

  • The Invisalign Process

    Cosmetic Dentist Hazlet If your bite is misaligned or your teeth are a little crooked, Invisalign may provide a cosmetic solution for your smile that doesn’t involve traditional braces. The Invisalign straightening process uses clear, removable aligners that can gradually shift your teeth into a straighter position in as little as a year.

    Invisalign braces are clear, durable, easy to remove and care for, and are a discreet way to improve the look of your smile. If you and your dentist decide that Invisalign is right for you, the process will begin with dental x-rays, photos, and impressions of your teeth that will allow your dentist to design a customized plan for straightening your smile. Your treatment will begin with an initial set of custom-made aligners, and you’ll receive a new set every couple of weeks so your teeth will continue to straighten.

    If you think that you could benefit from Invisalign near Hazlet , contact Glenwood Premier Dental today at (732) 264-4477 to schedule your consultation or a teeth cleaning. Our team of experienced dentists can help you achieve the smile you desire.

  • How to Keep Your Teeth Whiter

    Keeping your pearly whites looking bright can make you look younger and feel more confident. Most people’s teeth darken as they age, but proper dental care and teeth whitening procedures can stop or reverse this process. If you visit your dentist for whitening treatments , there are a few steps that you can take to help keep your teeth white:

    Practice Good Oral Hygiene Cosmetic Dentist Hazlet

    Taking appropriate care of your teeth will not only help to keep them white but will aid in tooth decay and gum disease prevention as well. Floss at least once per day, and remember to brush your teeth at least twice daily, especially after breakfast and before bed, with a fluoride-containing whitening toothpaste which will help strengthen your tooth enamel and lift stains from the surface of your teeth.

    Schedule Regular Dentist Visits

    If you’re concerned about the color of your teeth, professional, in-office whitening procedures can brighten your teeth by several shades in a short amount of time. Committing to biannual dentist checkups will help keep your teeth and gums healthy, and your smile bright. Regular teeth cleanings can polish away surface stains on your teeth that brushing alone won’t remove, helping to fight discoloration without the need for additional whitening treatments.

    Avoid Staining Drinks

    The most damaging culprits when it comes to tooth staining are coffee, tea, red wine, and cola. Avoiding these drinks altogether is the best way to keep your teeth white, but if you do drink them, remember to rinse your teeth afterward and brush them if possible. Tobacco is also staining for teeth, so consider quitting if you’re a smoker.

    Your cosmetic dentist in Hazlet can ensure that your teeth whitening is done safely and can help address any later sensitivity. The highly-qualified team at Glenwood Premier Dental provides several cosmetic dentistry treatments, including Zoom Whitening, porcelain veneers, Invisalign, and tooth-colored fillings. Contact us today at (732) 264-4477 to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment.

  • What to Expect from Dental Implants

    If you have a damaged or decayed tooth that needs to be removed, your dentist may recommend a dental implant. This type of dental restorative care can help ensure that your tooth loss doesn’t lead to bone loss in your jaw, and will also anchor your dental crown in place to fill the gap in your teeth.

    Before a Dental Implant Procedure dental implants hazlet

    Dental implants require outpatient dental surgery, and the process can take as long as several months from start to finish. For patients whose jawbone lacks sufficient density or strength for an implant, a bone graft may be necessary. This procedure involves removing a piece of bone from another area of your jaw or another bone in your body and transplanting it to the area where the implant will be placed.

    During a Dental Implant Procedure

    For the first step of the implant dentistry procedure, your oral surgeon will expose the bone in your jaw, drill a hole, and place the metal implant post . After this, your dentist will provide you with a temporary partial denture to conceal the gap in your teeth. Next, you will wait for the jawbone to grow around and merge with the surface of the implant to provide a stable base for your crown. Once the bone growth is complete, you may undergo a minor surgery to place an abutment to which the crown can attach.

    After a Dental Implant Procedure

    Once the implant is placed, you may experience facial swelling and bruising, pain around the implant site, and some minor bleeding. Your doctor may recommend eating soft foods after each stage of the procedure and prescribe antibiotics or pain medications. After the abutment is in place and your gums have healed, your artificial tooth will be permanently attached to the implant.

    Glenwood Premier Dental offers the latest technology for implant dentistry near Hazlet. Some of our other dental services include Zoom Whitening, Invisalign, and laser dentistry. Contact us today at (732) 264-4477 to schedule an appointment.

  • The Uses of Laser Dentistry

    A dentist who offers laser dentistry is using the very latest dental technology available. Laser dentistry relies on highly targeted laser energy to focus precisely on affected teeth and gums without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. A dentist can use laser dentistry to perform a wide range of procedures, ranging from non-invasive techniques to surgery. Read on to learn more about the uses of laser dentistry, including filling decayed teeth, performing root canals, and correcting gum disease.

    Filling Decayed Teeth Dental Exams Hazlet

    A dentist regularly uses lasers to fill cavities and correct tooth decay . Laser dentistry is ideal for both preparing cavities and removing caries. Instead of the high speed drill which elicits fear in many children and adults alike, laser dentistry eliminates caries in the path of the tiny and targeted laser beam. When it comes to filling cavities, laser dentistry is both comfortable and safe for even young children.

    Performing Root Canals

    Laser dentistry is also ideal for completing a root canal procedure. In many cases, laser dentistry is so painless that it requires no shots at all. For many people, just the idea of a shot of local anesthesia produces dental anxiety. While laser dentistry takes slightly more time to remove infected inner tooth tissue during a root canal, most people feel no discomfort at all during the procedure itself.

    Correcting Gum Disease

    A laser dentist may also recommend laser treatment for gum disease. Periodontal disease was formerly treated with invasive surgery that forced many patients to spend days in painful recovery. With laser dentistry, a dentist can treat both the beginning stages of gum disease and the more serious side effects that accompany advanced periodontal disease.

    Glenwood Premier Dental is pleased to offer WaterLase laser dentistry from our dentist in Hazlet. Find out more by calling us at (732) 264-4477 to schedule a consultation with a dentist. We have an emergency dentist on staff to meet all your needs. Our office also offers dental exams, teeth cleanings, and the very latest techniques in cosmetic dentistry.