• Why Should You Wear a Sports Mouthguard?

    In sports, physical fitness and injuries go hand-in-hand. It’s common knowledge that contact sports like football and basketball have a higher risk of serious injuries, like tendon tears and concussions. But orofacial injuries can also occur, and may be quite serious. Dentists recommend that amateur and pro athletes alike wear a sports mouthguard during each game and training session.

    Statistics on Dental Injuries

    In an informal survey, 67% of parents said that their children don’t wear mouthguards during sports activities because they aren’t required to do so, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Unfortunately, the failure to wear mouthguards means that these young athletes are 60 times more likely to sustain an orofacial injury. Given that many types of sports equipment easily run into the hundreds of dollars, a well-made sports mouthguard is among the least costly ways to protect an athlete’s health.

    Types of Injuries

    Dental injuries can occur when two players collide, a player falls down, or a player is struck by an object, such as a football helmet or ice hockey skate. Virtually any part of the face and mouth can sustain damage, including the jawbone, which may sustain a fracture. Soft tissue injuries can occur, including trauma to the cheeks, lips, gums, and tongue. And of course, the teeth can sustain damage from physical trauma. Athletes are known to be at a higher risk of chipped, cracked, and fractured teeth, as well as tooth avulsion. An avulsed tooth is one that has been completely knocked out.

    Usage of Mouthguards

    Mouthguards are usually mandatory for athletes who play sports in which collisions are likely, such as football, boxing, and hockey. Other sports teams might not require mouthguards, but they should. These sports include basketball, softball, wrestling, baseball, soccer, volleyball, and lacrosse. Even cyclists can benefit from wearing a custom-made mouthguard, as a tumble from a bike can easily knock out a tooth.

    At Glenwood Premier Dental, you’ll find a complete range of preventive oral care services, including custom-made sports mouthguards. Our dentist will precisely mold the appliance to fit your teeth to provide maximum comfort and protection. Get in touch today at (732) 264-4477 to request a dentist visit in Hazlet.

  • Learn the History of Dental Lasers

    Laser dentistry is one of the most sophisticated advances in dental technology available today. Not every dentist offers it, but those who do tend to gain a reputation among their patients for providing remarkably gentle, pain-free care. In fact, many patients find that they no longer need the local anesthetic that turns the mouth numb. Laser dentistry is an effective alternative to conventional treatments for tooth decay removal, gum disease reversal, oral growth removal, and even tongue tie correction.

    Early History of Lasers

    Albert Einstein didn’t create the first laser, but he did propose the theory behind it—the concept of stimulated emission through photoelectric amplification. Later, in 1959, a graduate student at Columbia University built the world’s first laser. Laser is actually an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. The first one was based on helium and neon. Later models of lasers were invented using other elements, such as argon. The first medical-grade laser was introduced in 1963 .

    Introduction of Lasers to Dentistry

    Dentists first began exploring the use of lasers in their field during the early 1960s. Initially, dental lasers used a ruby for the laser medium. The device emitted irregular pulses, and it successfully vaporized tooth enamel. However, there were concerns about the safety of this technology, as some researchers thought that tooth pulp might sustain damage.

    Advancements in Laser Dentistry

    Moving on from ruby-based lasers, dental researchers began investigating the possibilities of CO2 lasers and Er:YAG lasers. Their efforts were rewarded with the 1990 release of the first laser system developed specifically for clinical use at dental offices. Today, the technology continues to evolve, giving patients access to more effective—and gentler—treatment possibilities to support their oral health.

    Glenwood Premier Dental is pleased to offer Waterlase laser dentistry to our patients in Hazlet. As one of the most sophisticated systems available to dentists, Waterlase has a remarkable capacity for effectively healing dental problems, without the discomfort of conventional approaches. Call (732) 264-4477 to request a consult with one of our dentists.

  • Some of the Latest Technology Used in Our Cutting-Edge Office

    It’s a good sign when your dentist is well versed in the latest technology and techniques, and that is exactly the case at Glenwood Premier Dental. Our trained professionals have some of the most high-tech equipment at their disposal. Here’s a look at some of the latest technology used in our cutting-edge office.

    At Glenwood, our dentists have access to the latest and greatest imaging techniques. We have digital x-rays that protect you from radiation and panoramic x-rays that help us do more with less. We also use intraoral cameras that allow you to see what we see when examining your smile, so you can be kept fully in the loop throughout your visit. Our infection control technology offers you the cleanest and safest treatment possible, and our imaging equipment helps us help you.

    For a closer look at the tech we use at Glenwood Premier Dental , don’t forget to visit our website. We are made up of knowledgeable and experienced dentists serving Hazlet, and we can help you with everything from bad breath to gingivitis. Give us a call at (732) 264-4477 or stop by the offices to learn more about us.

  • What Happens During a Root Canal?

    It’s best not to ignore a pain in your tooth, especially if it’s severe or lasts for a long time. This could be a symptom of a serious oral health condition, so talk to your dentist. Watch this video to see what happens during a root canal.

    A root canal aims to remove infected or damaged pulp from the inside of your tooth. Your dentist will use a rubber dam to keep saliva out of the area while cleaning out the tooth’s interior. He or she will regularly flush out debris and contaminants before filling up the canals with a new compound. Then the tooth will be sealed in order to protect it from bacteria.

    In addition to root canals near Hazlet, Glenwood Premier Dental offers oral cancer screenings and implant dentistry. Feel free to visit our website or call us at (732) 264-4477 if you would like to set up an appointment.

  • Top Reasons to Replace Your Missing Teeth

    You might think that losing a tooth isn’t such a big deal since you have so many more, but a single lost tooth can cause real problems. Your dentist can replace the teeth you lose to fill out your smile, keep up your appearance, and make it easier to perform basic actions. Continue on for the top reasons to replace your missing teeth.

    Fill in the Gaps

    A missing tooth towards the front of your smile tends to be obvious, and it can even be distracting. In turn, it might make you feel self-conscious and change the way you laugh, smile, or interact in social settings. When your dentist replaces your missing tooth or teeth , you can go back to enjoying the same smile you grew up with. This kind of restorative care also helps keep your existing teeth from shifting out of position and into the gaps, so it bolsters your oral health as well as your appearance.

    Maintain Your Appearance

    Losing teeth can affect your appearance immediately, but it can continue to do so over time, even if it’s not in a visible area. When a tooth falls out, the root stops stimulating the jawbone. This eventually leads to bone resorption, which means you’ll lose bone mass in your face. If you want to avoid a sunken in appearance, talk to your dentist about implant dentistry. A dental implant will replace the root of the missing tooth so that your facial structure remains the same.

    Chew and Speak Clearly

    Teeth aren’t just components of a smile, and you need them to chew your food and speak a full sentence clearly. If a missing tooth has given you a lisp or made it difficult for you to enjoy your favorite meal, you should talk to your dentist about having it replaced.

    The professionals at Glenwood Premier Dental specialize in implant dentistry near Hazlet. We can replace your missing teeth as well as address issues like loose teeth, gingivitis, and oral cancer. If you’d like to learn about our services, check out our website or call us at (732) 264-4477.

  • Give Your Smile a Boost with Cosmetic Dentistry

    Cosmetic dentistry continues to become more effective, versatile, and accessible, and it changes more and more lives every day. Crowns, veneers, teeth whitening, and Invisalign are all treatments that your cosmetic dentist can offer. Read ahead and give your smile a boost with cosmetic dentistry.

    Crowns and Veneers

    When you chip, crack, or otherwise damage your teeth, your cosmetic dentist may recommend dental crowns or veneers. These are coverings that help to support your weakened teeth and hide the damage. Veneers go over the front surfaces of your teeth, while crowns cover the entire teeth, but both are highly regarded for their natural appearance. Whether a crown or veneer is right for you will depend on the nature and extent of the damage. These cosmetic procedures can also provide you with a whiter smile, which is helpful if your teeth do not respond to whitening treatments.

    Teeth Whitening

    You may have come across teeth whitening trays and toothpastes while shopping at your local convenience store and wondered how they work. Although some have success with these methods, your chances are better if you work with a cosmetic dentist. In-office whitening tends to be much more effective, and you can be sure that the procedure will be done properly. This means you’ll be safer, more comfortable, and more likely to enjoy the results you’re looking for. Professional teeth whitening by your cosmetic dentist can also help you address problems like tooth sensitivity.


    If you want to reposition your teeth safely and comfortably with few people knowing, you want Invisalign. Your dentist can set you up with several sets of aligners, which are clear trays that you can remove at any time. At the end of treatment, you’ll have a brand-new smile to show off.

    Has your smile been taking away from your confidence ? Call Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477 and let a cosmetic dentist in Hazlet give it a boost. Our trusted professionals can also help you with teeth cleanings, denture care, and oral cancer screenings. You can learn more about us by visiting our website.

  • Would You Benefit from Implant-Supported Dentures?

    Dentures and dental implants are both viable ways to replace missing teeth and bring your smile back to life, but which one is best for your needs? In some situations, your dentist can use a combination of the 2. Read ahead to see if you might benefit from implant-supported dentures.

    A dental implant might be the ideal solution if you’re missing one tooth. If you’re missing all of your teeth, however, you won’t want to replace each one with its own implant. This is why you should talk to your dentist about implant-supported dentures. This treatment uses just a couple of implants to secure your dentures to your mouth. When you do this, you’ll never have to worry about your dentures shifting around or falling out of your mouth. Instead, you can eat and speak with confidence. Not everyone is a candidate, so talk to your dentist to see if this treatment makes sense for you.

    If you’re wondering if implant-supported dentures near Hazlet could be right for you, call Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477. Implant dentistry is one of our specialties, and we can help restore your smile and your confidence. Visit our website or stop by for more information.

  • Invisalign: Moms Share Their Testimonials

    As happy as Invisalign can make the teens that use it, their mothers might be even happier. It’s nice to see your child thrive, and this type of orthodontic treatment can set the stage. Watch this video to see a few moms share their testimonials about Invisalign.

    Although many people think Invisalign is only for adults, it’s actually for people of all ages. You can meet with your dentist for custom aligners that are made to meet your needs in particular, making them optimally comfortable and effective. You can even see what your teeth will look like at the end of treatment, which is nice for both teens and moms.

    At Glenwood Premier Dental, we would be happy to see if your teen is a candidate for Invisalign near Hazlet. Just give us a call at (732) 264-4477 or visit our website to see what our dentists can do.

  • Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a common dental health issue, but that doesn’t mean it’s inevitable. By brushing and flossing your teeth and visiting your dentist, you can crack down on gum disease and enjoy better oral health. Here are a couple of ways to reduce your risk of gum disease.

    Deal with Plaque and Tartar

    The main culprits behind gum disease are plaque and tartar. Plaque is a film of bacteria that accumulates on your teeth when you don’t practice proper dental hygiene. The longer you go without brushing your teeth, the more time plaque will have to cling to your teeth . Eventually, this plaque will turn into tartar, or calculus. You can remove plaque on your own, but you’ll need your dentist to deal with tartar. See your dentist for a professional teeth cleaning before tartar invades your gum line and causes gum disease.

    Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

    Eating healthy can improve virtually every aspect of your health. When you trade in sugary snacks for healthier alternatives, you give your oral health a chance to succeed. Junk food—especially sticky snacks like gummies and taffy—will stick to your teeth and encourage plaque growth. Healthy snacks like celery, on the other hand, will have the opposite effect. They will actually help to clean your teeth and protect you from gum disease.

    Quit Using Tobacco Products

    Tobacco products can take away from every aspect of your health. Smoking cigars, cigarettes, or hookah can agitate your gums and contribute to the symptoms of gum disease. You can lower your risk of this common oral health condition by doing your best to stop using these tobacco products.

    It’s up to you to reduce your risk of gum disease , but it’s up to the dentists serving Hazlet to help you prevent it from occurring. The team at Glenwood Premier Dental is proud to protect people of all ages from gum disease. Visit our website or call us at (732) 264-4477 to make an appointment today.

  • Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions

    Even dentists have questions about oral health, so you probably do, too. It helps to know what to do in an emergency situation and how often you should see your dentist, and it’s also good to know what your options are when it comes to cosmetic dentistry procedures like teeth whitening. Continue on for answers to your FAQs.

    How do I handle an emergency?

    The way you handle a dental emergency will depend on the nature and severity of the incident. If you have a tooth knocked out , pick it up by the crown and rinse it off before storing it in a glass of milk. When you chip or break a tooth and suffer serious pain during normal hours, call your emergency dentist so you can be seen—if it happens outside of business hours, call the offices anyway for an emergency number.

    What types of teeth whitening are there?

    You can find over-the-counter teeth bleaching products in most supermarkets and convenience stores, but know that these products won’t be as effective as visiting your dentist for professional treatment. You can go in for just a couple of hours and leave with a beautiful new smile, or you can talk to your dentist about overnight bleaching. The latter process takes about 2 weeks, so if you’re looking for quick whitening, in office is the best option.

    When should I see a dentist?

    Some people think that they don’t need to see a dentist unless something is wrong, which is entirely untrue. You should be seeing your dentist at least twice a year in order to make sure your oral health is in good shape, which can help you prevent problems down the road. It’s also recommended that children see a dentist by their first birthday or the eruption of their first tooth.

    If you still have questions that need answering, call Glenwood Premier Dental at (732) 264-4477 or visit our website. It’s our job to offer only the best cosmetic and implant dentistry near Hazlet, and we handle everything from restorative care to oral cancer.